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Friday, April 26, 2024

How to Upgrade Python to 3.9

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There are so many programming languages in the world that are used in building software and websites. Here, we are talking about one of the popular programming languages that will get famous in a few years. That programming language is Python. In this blog, we will cover what Python is, its applications, and how to upgrade it to 3.9. Let’s begin.

We have mentioned above that Python has risen to become one of the most widely used programming languages worldwide in a few years. But how? Because everything from system testing to website development to machine learning uses it, and you don’t have to be a developer to use it. A non-developer can also use it.

The software that runs self-driving cars and Netflix’s recommendation engine were developed using Python, one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world. Since Python is a general-purpose language, it may be used for various tasks, such as automation, data research, Web and software development, and everyday task completion.

Let’s see what Python is and its applications.

Read more: Top 12 Python Developer Skills You Must Need to Know

What is Python?

Python is a famous & widely used programming language used to create software and websites, automate processes, and analyze data. It isn’t tailored for any particular issues because  Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it may be used to make various applications. Today, Due to its adaptability and beginner-friendliness, it is at the top of the list of programming languages. According to a poll of Redmonk in 2021, It was ranked as the second-most popular programming language among developers.

What Uses Does Python Offer?

Python is frequently used for creating websites and applications, displaying & analyzing data, and automating repetitive tasks. As we said above, a non-developer can also use it, including accountants and scientists, for various routine activities, including managing finances, since it is very simple to learn. Let’s look at some of its uses.

Read More: Top 15 Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

Some Prominent Everyday Uses of Python Language

Here is a sneak peek into the everyday cases where Python is being utilized wholeheartedly. Readout all the information carefully.

1. Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence

Python has established itself as a standard in designing machine learning algorithms, allowing data analysts and other experts to utilize it to perform intricate statistical computations, data science, and other activities related to the above.

You can also create various data representations, such as pie charts, graphs, and three-dimensional plots. Additionally, Python provides several libraries like TensorFlow and Keras that help programmers create data analysis and machine learning applications more rapidly and effectively.

2. Web Development

Python is used for developing applications or Website back-end mainly. Interacting and processing databases, maintaining security, URL routing, and Sending data to and from servers are all possible uses of Python in web development. Python provides several web development frameworks like Django and Flask.

3. Automation or Scripting

Python can be used to automate routine processes so you can work more efficiently. Writing computer code for these automated processes is known as scripting. In coding, automation can convert files, eliminate duplicate data, do simple math, and check for problems across multiple files.

Even absolute beginners can use Python to automate straightforward computer chores like locating and downloading internet information, renaming files, or sending emails or SMS on a schedule.

4. Software Prototyping and Testing

In python software development company it can assist with software development tasks, including build control, bug tracking, and testing. Software engineers can use Python to automate testing for new features or products. Examples are the Python software testing tools Green and Requestium.

5. Routine Tasks

As we know that not just programmers and data scientists use Python but also those who work in less data-intensive fields like small business ownership, social media marketing, or journalism, learning Python can expand their career options.  Python can also help non-developers streamline some of their daily duties. A few examples of the chores you could automate with Python are as follows:

  • Observe cryptocurrency or stock market prices
  • You should revise your grocery list.
  • Naming numerous files in a large batch
  • Text files to spreadsheets conversion
  • Give family members chores at random
  • Automated online form completion

Now, let’s understand why Python is so popular among all languages.

Why is Python So Popular?

Python is well-liked for many different reasons. The following are the reasons to show you why Python is so popular.

  • Due to its straightforward grammar, you can easily read and understand it. As a result, there will be an acceleration in project development.
  • It is adaptable.
  • A non-developer can also use it, and it is easy for beginners. Due to this reason, it has become popular among beginners.
  • Being open source, you can use it for free.
  • The library and module repository for Python is substantial and constantly growing. These are collections of code created by outside developers to improve Python’s capabilities.

Now it’s time to discuss the main topic of this blog, that is, how to upgrade Python to 3.9. Here, we will discuss upgrading Python to 3.9 on all popular operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Upgrade Python to 3.9 on Operating Systems

To install Python on your popular operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS, you need the greatest tool for installing and managing Python packages is PIP. The many apps that make use of Pip contribute to its popularity. Pip allows third-party packages to handle binary packages using the easy set-up package manager. Since piping is now a standard feature in Python’s most recent releases, this article will provide detailed instructions on installing PIP and updating Python.

First, you need to understand what PIP is.

What is PIP?

PIP is a framework for managing and installing Python-written software packages. The phrase “preferred software installer” or “Pip Installs Packages” describes it. A command-line interface called PIP is used for Python to handle PyPI program installation. You might need to upgrade PIP if you’re using Python on Windows in an older version. To quickly run PIP on Windows, download the program file, launch the command line, and launch the installer. You will learn how to install PIP on Windows, modify it, update it, and configure it.

Let’s begin with how to upgrade Python version 3.9 to Windows.

Update Python to 3.9 on Windows

Follow the following steps to update Python on Windows-

    • Use installer to upgrade to 3.9
    • Visit the Python Releases for Windows section of the official Python website in your browser.
    • To download the installation file to your computer, click the Download Python button.
    • After that, launch the Python installer. The installer recommends installing Python 3.9 if upgrading from another version of Python 3 (for example, 3.8.10). Select Customize Installation to choose the install location and features, or choose Install Now to install Python with suggested options.
    • The installer will offer to upgrade your Python installation if you currently have an older version of the same Python release (for instance, 3.9.1). Continue by choosing Upgrade Now.
    • Check to see if the new version of Python was successfully installed after the installation is complete. Start Windows PowerShell and enter:
  • python3 –version
  • The most recent iteration of Python should appear in the output.

Utilize the Microsoft Store to Download Python 3.9.

Find and download the Python 3.9 app from the Microsoft Store if you want to use it to test out some basic ideas or learn the fundamentals of the language.

  1. Enter Python in the search bar of the Microsoft Store.
    2. From the list of search results, pick Python 3.9.
    3. To begin the installation, click the Get button.
    4. Find the program on the Start Menu to begin the interactive Python 3.9 experience.

Now it’s time to see the upgradation process of Python to 3.9 on Linux.

Update Python to 3.9 on Linux

Follow the following steps to update Python to 3.9 on Linux.

  1. Update the repositories first:

sudo apt update

  1. Install Python 3.9 next by executing:

sudo apt install python3.9

Type Y to begin the installation when prompted.

  1. After installing Python, launch the 3.9 version by typing:

Python 3.9

  1. The old version is still returned when using the python —version command to verify the installation. You must compile a list of update options to correct this. First, use the command to add the previous version to the list:

sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.[old-version] 1

  1. Add the updated version now:

sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.9 2

  1. Next, enter the command shown below to modify the versions’ priority status:

sudo update-alternatives –config python3

The output lists the options and their corresponding integers (in the example below, the numbers are 0, 1, and 2). Press Enter after entering the version number that you want to use.

  1. Remove the symlink that contains the previous Python 3 version if you don’t intend to use the old version of Python.

sudo rm /usr/bin/python3

  1. Then, substitute the old version for the symlink:

sudo ln -s python3.9 /usr/bin/python3

  1. Check the current default version:

python3 –version

The output should attest to the latest version’s successful installation and configuration.

Update Python to 3.9 on macOS

Similar to how you updated Python on Windows OS, you may obtain the most recent version of Python for macOS from the official Python website. You can use the commands mentioned below to check the Python version to see if it has been updated to the most recent version.

$ python –version

Python 2.x.x

$ python3 –version

Python 3.9.0

Install an alias in your $HOME directory’s bash_profile file if you want to use the python command rather than the python3 command to run this new Python release.

Type the following commands into the terminal window once it is open:

$ cd $HOME

$ nano .bash_profile

Then, include this section at the bottom.

alias python=”python3″

The following command can be used to verify the Python 3.9 version.

$ python –version

Python 3.9.0

In the blog, we discussed the Python update process to 3.9 on operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows. We have discussed these processes step by step. We have also discussed the basic knowledge of Python. We hope you will gather some knowledge of Python and its updating processes.

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